
Brynmenyn Primary

The Best Wealth is Knowledge


Ladybirds - Year One

Aberavon Beach Trip: 24.06.22

Fun in the Sun!

Through the Years in Photographs Week

World of Work Week

Let's Go Green Together Week

Unique Me & Diversity

Spring Term 2022

Out & About in Brynmenyn


Context for learning

Our learning this term will be based around the context, ‘Out and about in Brynmenyn’.


Our class activities and learning are flexible based on where our learning journey takes us this term in Year 1 and where the children would like to take their learning.


Our morning lessons will consist of ‘Read, Write, Inc,’ Literacy, CLIC Big Maths and Mathematics. These will be linked to our context where possible. Then our afternoons will all be based around the context, ‘Out and about in Brynmenyn’.



We will have PE every Wednesday morning.

Please make sure your child brings their PE kit every week!



Please make sure your child logs into Active Learn Bug Club weekly. We will change their book once a week, usually on a Friday.



Please send a water bottle and a piece of fruit in with your child daily.

A Busy Few Weeks

W/E 11.03

W/E 11.02


This week in Ladybird class our story is 'Don't Hog The Hedge'. We will be exploring the wildlife around Brynmenyn and researching hibernation. At the end of the week we will be creating hibernation homes for an animal of their choice. Look at us engaging in our MOJO challenges.

W/E 28.01.22

Busy week of learning: 21.01.22
